Good Morning,
We have a few things going on both at our school and in our classroom. Please take note of the following information:
FIELD TRIP/CRUISE: As mentioned earlier, we will be headed to Burlington with our pen pals on Tuesday, June 11th. The cost is $6.75 and is
due by tomorrow. I still need money from Amy, Bella, Azailea, and Lily. Again, any parents are welcomed but you will also have to pay the $6.75.
Rosetta Stone: The Rosetta Stone Language Company will be coming to our classroom near the end of May. All of the teachers involved in the Brazil Fellowship have been using their software to study the Portuguese language. I have been chosen to be one of their focus classrooms/teachers for the fellowship. They would like to interview me and film me working with students. In your child's homework bag is an envelope that outlines the goals for the project and a waiver/release form. Would you please take time to look at it and send it back to me tomorrow. I am fine if you choose to allow your child or not allow your child to be part of it. I just need to have the forms back. I appreciate your help with this.
Frogs: Your child will also have a note from Mrs. Lea regarding our classroom frogs. Please take a look at the note and respond if you are interested.
Homework: We will continue to have homework through June 7th (Exception of performance evenings). Please make sure your child completes the assignments and reading log each night. As a parent of two busy children of my own, I understand how busy May and June get. However, please help your child plan time each day for the work.
Presentation Night: Our class will have a presentation evening on the night of June 6th, @ 6:00. I wanted to do it the following week, but knew that GMPA has a ton of rehearsals that week. During this presentation, the students will exhibit their Celebrations/Traditions projects, and we will have a few other items to present as well.
Current and Future Items: Bike Walk Challenge (currently going on), School Garden (after Memorial Day), Bridge Street Arts Festival (this weekend).
Have a great day.