August 29, 2014

August 29, 2014

Good Morning,
  We have had a wonderful first week.  We have spent a lot of time introducing, modeling and practicing school and classroom expectations.  Our Morning Meetings have been full of greetings, songs, and games.

  For the most part, the students have been doing a great job of bringing their books and plastic Ziplok bags back and forth each day.  I appreciate your help with establishing and following through with this routine.  For the next two or three weeks, the students will be bringing home books of their own choice.  These may include books that they can read or would like to have read to them.  If your child grabs a chapter book, I will let them bring it back and forth each night (you don't have to read it all in 1 night).

  I want to thank all of you for getting all of your paper work back.  I know it was a lot and I appreciate the great effort.

  I will post again on Tuesday (since there is no school on Monday).  I hope you all have a great weekend.

  Below is a quick video of our first week.  Enjoy!


August 26, 2014

August 26, 2014

Welcome Back!!  I hope everyone had a great summer.  I felt it was one of those beautiful summers that everyone hopes for.  We had a great start to the year today.  The morning started with an all school assembly. The focus of the assembly was our PBIS system and the four guiding principles of our school; being safe, kind, respectful and engaged.  As a class, we played a game that allowed us to find out about each others' summer activities.  We also spent a lot of time modeling hallway, lunchroom, playground, and classroom expectations.

As I stated, in my summer letter, I use a blog for my classroom communication.  Today, I am printing out the 1st post.  The address for the blog is  Again, I will post every Monday and Friday.  Please answer the question at the bottom of this printout and let me know your preference.

Your child has a plastic Ziploc bag in his/her backpack.  Please look at the items in it, fill them out, and then return the items in the bag tomorrow.  This bag will come to and from school each day and will contain any notes and homework.  Please help your child get into a routine that will allow this routine to happen successfully.

We are off to a great start and I am very excited about the year.



Please fill out and return tomorrow:

Student Name:_________________________

________   I would like to receive a hard copy of each blog post.

________  I will check the blog via the address listed above.