January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016

Good Morning,

  I hope you all have had a great week.  The class has been busy writing more and more non fiction stories.  This week we focused on table of contents, writing chapters with explicit details, and thinking about whether a chapter will be written to inform or instruct (a list or a how to).

  In social studies, we finished up our discussion about how people are similar and different and then looked at scenarios that would apply rules to only certain people (i.e. kids with sneakers and without, or dark hair and light hair).  We started reading about Dr. Martin Luther King as well.


*Your child has reading homework over the weekend.  Please make sure to have them do it.

*A new Weekly News entry is also in your child's homework bag.

*Please continue to send in paper towel rolls.

*Valentines:  We will have a small little valentine party on Friday, February 12th.  I will send home a list of names today (in your child's homework bag).  If you would like to make something for the party, please let me know.

I hope you have a great week.


Mr. Young

January 25, 2016

January 25, 2016

Good Evening,

  I am sorry I ma not getting to this until now.  It was a quick day and I had practice at Harwood right after school.  There is a lot of information in this post, I will send home a printed copy (tomorrow) with your child as well.

Wednesday:  We will have our Winter Ski and Ride program.  Please make sure your child has all of their needed items (labeled with their name).  A few kids were provided helmets at the start of the season.  After last week, some of them were not returned to me.  I don't have any extra, so please make sure to send it in on Wednesday.

Paper Towel Rolls:  I am in need of MANY paper towel rolls.  They will be used as part of our next science unit.  Please send in any that you can get a hold of.  I will collect these over the next two weeks.

Absence:  I will be out of the classroom on February 10th, 11th, and 12th.  I have my monthly meeting at the Agency of Education on the 10th.  I will be in Washington DC on the 11th and 12th.  I have been asked to be part of a panel discussion that focuses on Global Education and Awareness.  If you have any questions or concerns, please don;t hesitate to reach out.

Dylan's Last Day:  Thursday will mark Dylan's last day at the Waitsfield school.  The students have worked on a goodbye book for him.  Each child illustrated a descriptive word that best reminds them of Dylan.  They decorated the border of the page with his favorite hair colors.  I would like to have a little good bye celebration for him on Thursday.  I am hoping someone could make muffins or cup cakes and another person could donate something to drink.  I will get the cups.  Please let me know if you can contribute these items or anything else you might choose.

Today, we continued our work with looking at how things are similar and different.  Today we looked at people.  We will continue this discussion tomorrow and then begin to look at how people made a difference during the Civil Rights movement.

I hope you all have a great week.


January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016

Good Afternoon,
  We will be starting a new science unit soon.  In order to get ready, I will need as many paper towel/toilet paper tubes as possible.  Please collect them and send them in.  Your child has an edition of Time For Kids that they need to read over the weekend.  Most of them have a sheet to answer as well.

  Lice continue to be a problem around our entire district.  With all of the winter gear, ski attire, and tight cubby storage, I highly recommend wearing your hair up, in braids, or any other preventative measure.  This is always a trick time of year.


*Weekly News Journals are in your child's homework bag.

*Indoor shoe reminder.  Please make sure your child has something other than boots to wear inside of school.

I hope you have a great weekend.


January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016

Good Morning,
  This week we have been focusing on editing our own writing and using a more in depth checklist to evaluate our work.  We practiced this by scoring a few pieces of writing that I did and then worked with partners to edit each others work.  Then we transitioned into editing our own work independently.

  I was out of the room yesterday.  I had a meeting at the Agency of Education.  The substitute left a very nice note about the class' behavior and their ability to get their work done.  It was nice to come in and see that type of note waiting for me.

  January 28th will be Dylan's last day at the Waitsfield School.  He and his family will be moving to Barre.  I would like to do a little going away party for him on the 28th.  I would like to do this from 1:15-1:45 on the 28th.  If anyone would like to provide an item, please let me know.

*  PLEASE label your child's winter clothing and gear.  This group has a particular challenge with keeping track of their things.  At the end of the day, I will hold up gloves, hats, and boots that are left in the coat area.  When asked, no one will claim the forgotten items.  I would love to save all of you frustration and money by getting items back to your child, however I need your help.

I hope you have a great weekend.  GO STEELERS!


January 11, 2016

January 11, 2016

Good Morning,
  I hope you all had a nice weekend.  Mine was wrapped in a variety of basketball games and involved watching a few football games (Go Steelers!).  Today we started the 2nd part of our focus on people making a difference.  Before we dive into the civil rights movement, I want to focus on identifying commonalities -- what is it that makes all crayons a crayon, all dogs a dog and all humans a human. What might be different between different crayons, or different dogs, or different humans? Today's focus started with similarities and differences of crayons.  We ran out of time and will continue this conversation tomorrow.  The big idea is that the students will gain an understanding that discrimination is based on judging external features, not what it is that makes us all humans.


*Ski and ride program this week.

*Please send in boots and shoes/sneakers for your child everyday.


January 8, 2016

January 8, 2016

Good Morning,
  We had a very successful ski and ride program on Wednesday.  The weather was beautiful and the kids did a great job with participating, listening, and respecting the mountain and facilities.  A job well done by everyone.

  We are entering a new phase of our social studies unit next week.  I have asked any student who has a dog or had a dog, if they could bring in a picture of their pet.  I would like these for Monday.  If are able to, please send in a photo.


*Your child has their Weekly News in their homework bag and a Time Magazine to read over the weekend.

*On the days that we ski, your child's reading homework will be optional.  For many of the kids, the day exhaust them and I don't want you to have to take on a homework battle at home.

*Please label any and all of your child's winter attire.  It will save you money in the long run!

Have a great weekend,

Mr. Young

January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

Good Morning,
  I hope you all had a wonderful break and a wonderful New Year.  It sounds like everyone had a chance to catch up with family weather it be for holiday reasons or just a chance to vacation visit, it is always great to catch up with friends and family.

 I need to start with a reminder about winter weather.  We have outdoor recess almost everyday.  In order for your child to maximize their outdoor fun, they need to be properly attired.  This means hats, gloves, snow pants, a coat, and boots.  If your child doesn't bring boots, they have to stand on the shoveled area until recess is over.  It makes for a very boring time for them.  Your child also needs shoes to change into once recess is over.  This way they aren't getting the classroom rug all wet and the rest of us are not sitting in puddles.  Your child is welcome to leave a pair a shoes at school.  I thank you in advance in helping your child be prepared for this.

It looks like we will be skiing on Wednesday.  Please don;t have your child bring the snowboard or skis to the classroom.  They should be left outside the far end of the school near the gym entrance. Everything else can be brought to the classroom.  I highly recommend that you label your child's clothing.

I am excited to get back into the swing of school and look forward to a fun yet rigorous academic January and February.
