Good Afternoon,

I want to thank all of you, that I have already met with, for taking part in the parent conference process. I hope you found it informative and purposeful. I truly enjoy involving the kids in the goal setting process and having their voice being such a powerful part of the conference. This week the kids illustrated their new goals and will finish them next week. I will hang them up for kids to refer to throughout the next few months.
This past Wednesday marked the end of our inspiration hour projects. The offerings were wonderful for this and the kids really seemed to enjoy them. This afternoon each child wrote about their experience with inspiration hour in their Weekly News journal. Please take a look at their thoughts and feelings.

Thursday morning two members of the Waitsfield/Fayston Fire Department. They talked to the kids about the importance of smoke detectors, what to do in case of an emergency, and other safety tips. The students brought home a packet of information with them. It is the time of year when each family should work on their own home evacuation plan.
SKI and SKATE SALE: The school''s annual ski and skate sale is this coming weekend. This one event single handedly funds the PTA's budget each year. It is nice that we can do all of our fundraising in one weekend and not feel like we are being asked to sell or buy something each month.
THERE IS STILL A NEED FOR VOLUNTEERS on Saturday (a few spots) and Sunday (a lot of spots). If you can spare some time on either of those days, we would all appreciate it. Go to
this link to sign up. This is a great way to volunteer for our students and to interact with our community as a whole.
*Please make sure your child has a coat/jacket that is appropriate for the weather for that specific day. We do go outside most days. Also, if you would like to have your child bring in a sweatshirt to leave at school, please label it with their name and send it in. I usually open the windows to at least get cool fresh air in as the day starts.
*Winter Program forms are due to Kathy. Please make sure to return them to school. It is important that we have this information as we move forward with the program.
That is all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend.