Good Afternoon,
Well colds, flu and all other illnesses are amongst us. The students are being real troopers as we deal with our symptoms. I know I have a head cold and sleeping has not been ideal. I both appreciate your efforts to keep kids home when they are sick and push them to come when they can. I used a small block of time this morning to catch kids up on work they missed.
This week's 1st grade math class had a variety of things going on. We have been working on telling time and writing digital notation. We started this in November and kids are doing a great job with half hour and hour times. We have also been focusing on solving subtraction word problems where they are asked to compare one quantity to another and then find the difference. The main lessons this week focused on students comparing equations and determining if they were equal or not. The 2nd graders have been working on geometry and shapes of pattern blocks. They then estimated how high of towers they could build with those shapes and tested their estimations. The students then used their data to determine why some shapes worked better than others.
This week's science lesson had us focusing on the stars again. They learned how they can use the North Star to find directional points. We practiced using directional points as we found items in the classroom. The kids then learned how to use the Big Dipper to find the North Star. I have been encouraging them to get out and check out the moon phases as well as finding stars in the sky.
This was our final week of our narrative unit (writing). Next week the kids will start to write their final piece that will challenge them to demonstrate all of the skills and techniques they learned during the unit. I will use this piece of writing to determine most of the report card grade for this unit. Each kid sat with an adult this week and looked at their current writing goals, edited a new piece of writing, and then were given two new goals to focus on.
Secret Pal: This particular group is really excited for their traditions and celebrations that come with this time of year. Everyone in the class has talked about what they celebrate during some of our Morning Meetings. The kids have seen us, as a staff, doing Secret Pals these past few weeks. They have asked if we can do it too. Here is how it will work. If you want your child to participate, they must be signed up here by 12/15. I will assign them a Secret Pal on Friday and send home a note with the information and schedule.
To Participate Your Child Will Need To Bring the Following on Each Day
*12/19 They will make a Happy New Year's Card for their Secret Pal. I will send home the paper they can use on 12/16
*12/20 They will need to bring a healthy snack for their Secret Pal. A simple item or two, no drinks are necessary. We have mill and water.
*12/21 They will bring in a gift for their Secret Pal with a value of less than $5 (This can be bought or handmade). If this is a difficulty for anyone, please let me know and I will gladly cover that expense.
*The weather looks like it will turn more toward a wintry mix next week. Please make sure your child has boots, a hat, gloves/mittens, and a coat. Also, label everything and make sure they have inside shoes too. I appreciate your help with this.
*Please let me know if you are not going to be here during the last week of school this month. I want to plan for your child accordingly and not have stuff lingering when we come back from break.
Mr. Young