September 27, 2010

September 27, 2010

Good Morning Friends,

  This year one of our Social Studies Themes is Celebrations and Traditions.  This year we will be traveling around the country through children’s literature.  We will travel through the country focusing on the following 7 U.S. Regions:  New England, Middle Atlantic, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, Mountain, and Pacific.  As we visit each region, I will be focusing on local traditions/celebrations related to that region.  If you have ever been to the region, grew up there, or are an expert of the area and would like to present to the class, please let me know.  This could include places to see, celebrations to be part of, or anything else related.  Pictures or slide shows are encouraged.  Next Monday, we will start with the Northeast Region.  We will be reading Make Way For Ducklings and focus on the greater Boston area.

  During our Morning Meeting we played a game called Earth, Air, Water, Fire.  After meeting we continued our map skills work.  Today we talked about the directions North & South East and North and South West.  During stations kids continued working on their pen pal letters, started this week’s Literature Circle assignments, and had reading group with me.  During math we focused on solving story problems with logical approaches.  Today’s specials were PE and Library.

 Notes For the Week:
*Homework Monday-Thursday this week.  Book Log and Math Survey due on Friday.
*We will not be going to the orchard this week.  We will be working in the classroom on the mapping project.
*I am still looking for small boxes.
*Remember to respond to last Friday’s blog:  Do you want a “parent night?”
*Send in your picture order forms.

That is all for now.  Have a great week and I will post again on Wednesday.