What is geometry? That was the question of the day (yesterday) as we started our 1st geometry unit of the year. We talked a lot about 2 & 3 dimensional shapes, drew some of them, and identified the number of faces on a 3 dimensional shape. We also started writing summaries of
Make Way For Ducklings. The students are illustrating their favorite part of the book and learning how to retell the story in their own words. I will be creating a "Where Are We Now" bulletin board for the classroom. This display will be dedicated to our year-long trip/study. If you have any pictures of the Boston area, please send them in. Throughout this week and next we will be discussing the book, learning about Patriot's Day, and discovering other places to see in Boston.
Indoor Recess! |
*The hike is set for October 15th. As of right now; Lynne, Bear, Sandy, and Susan H. are our drivers/chaperones. If you are interested in going, please let me know. We will leave school at 8:30 that morning and return before 11:30.
*For your convenience, the upcoming events page has been updated.
*Reading Log and Math Survey are due Friday.
*We will be going to the orchard on Friday.