June 5, 2011

June 6, 2011

Good Morning,

I am actually writing this Sunday evening as I watch the basketball game.  We have a pretty busy week ahead of us and I wanted to outline the week for you.

Monday:  We will finish our sight word test that we started last week.  Students will also continue to work on their final book project.  This will be an ungraded project but one that continues to work on comprehension skills, while allowing me to do more testing this week.

Tuesday:  I will administer a paragraph dictation test. We will have one more play rehearsal before the evening event.  Please be in the gym by 6pm.

Wednesday:  We will be going to Oak Ledge Park.  We do have a shelter that we rented in case the weather is less than desirable.  Please make sure your child has a packed lunch for that day.  If you are a chaperone, please be at the school by 8:00.

Thursday:  I will be in the building but will have a substitute.  I will be testing kids on their reading ability.  Kids will also be planting in the garden (if it is not raining).

Friday:  We will finish up our garden planting and working on our plant life cycle posters.

*Throughout the week the kids will be learning how the plant works as a system and how each part works.

*Again, there is no assigned homework this week or next, however I do encourage kids to read a few evenings a week.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the performance Tuesday evening.  We will start the evening with the performance, then have dinner, followed by a slide-show and a few comments from me.

Have a great week!