Good Morning,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I truly enjoyed the time off, the weather, and the activities with my family. Last week's assembly was wonderful. The students received a handful of compliments from the staff and parents. Ms Belknap stopped by to personally congratulate some of her former students.
I have come to the conclusion that everyone is pretty busy and completing the math homework and/or survey has become quite a challenge. So, I have made the decision that I will not send home the last game for the year. I will still be sending home reading each night and would appreciate your help with this.
Field Trip Money: I still need money from the following.
Ben and Jerry's ($4): Jonas, Hannah
Shelburne Museum ($5): Jonas, Azailea, Hannah
*Please send in immediately or let me know if it is an issue.
I will be out of the classroom from Monday through Thursday of next week. Sally Utter will be the substitute. They will be working on their play, spelling, math, and science. We will not have stations next week, so I will not need the volunteers to come in. The station time will be used for practicing the play and working on their costumes. On Monday, I will be in the building and testing kids on their reading ability. On Tuesday, I will be leaving with the 6th graders as head to Boston with them for their annual trip.
I hope you have a wonderful week.