November 7, 2012

November 7, 2012

Good Morning,
  I hope the last two days went as smoothly as they could.  I had the privilege of attending the Literacy For All Conference in Providence, RI.  It was a fabulous conference and I walked away with a variety of feelings/thoughts.  One, it was nice to see how many of the best practices I was already implementing in the classroom.  I also learned a lot of new techniques that could enhance what I am already doing.  One such concept is called the Daily Five.  I am going to research more about this and look at implementing it as start to develop next year's classroom.  I also met a Technology Integration Specialist from Wisconsin.  She was absolutely amazing and shared a plethora of information and ideas for the classroom.  Dan and I also left with an idea of doing a shared research project with our two classes.  We are going to start this in December.  It focuses on the idea of Students asking "I Wonder" questions and then reading non-fiction material to answer their inquiry.  It also involves using Web 2.0 tools to find answers.  We are both very excited about this project.

  I hope you have a great week.  Don't forget to sign up for the Ski and Skate Sale.
