Good Morning,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I asked the class to vote on which day was better for them Saturday or Sunday? Saturday had the most votes but it was close. Personally, I enjoyed the sunshine that Sunday brought.
Today we continued to work on our Non-Fiction books. We used our writing time to continue to work on our first drafts. The students also shopped for new books in their Read to Self bags. Prior to vacation, I tested each student's reading level. I was extremely happy with the progress and can't wait to share the results with you during our Parent Conference.
*Please sign up for a parent conference time. Here is the link:
*Please make sure that your child has something other than boots to wear at school. I still have 3 or 4 kids forgetting to brings shoes/sneakers. This is especially problematic on PE days.
*Heifer money is due Friday. Also, please make a list if where each sponsor lives. It will help us create the visual representation on our classroom maps.
That is all for now.
Have a Great Week