September 7, 2014

September 8, 2014

Good Morning,

 I have to admit that it was a first to have school cancelled so early in the year.  However, such is life and we move on.  Due to the bus safety assembly, the guest speaker we had on Thursday morning, and the cancellation on Friday, we are a little bit behind in regards to implementing our full Morning Meeting Routine.  I will use this week to get us back on course.

  This week we will  introduce logical consequences. We will use these consequences to handle situations where our classroom/school rules are broken.  Below are the three types of consequences and some examples of each one.  I ask that you pay special attention to the description of the "positive time-out" and note how it is different then the traditional time out.

Notes For the Week:

*I would like to set up a quick 10-15 minute conference with each new family/student to the classroom.  Please email me two or three dates and times.  So far, I have only heard from one family.  If you rather not meet, could you just let me know.  I can make before/after school and/or evening times work.

*Reading Homework:  The students will continue to bring books home in their reading bags.  They should be returned each day. If a book or bag is left at home, a new book won't be sent until everything is returned.  This allows me to keep track of all of the books.  For now, the books that are coming home are student choice books.  Reading instruction and groups will start at the end of September/Beginning of October.

*I would like to have a first grade math information meeting on Tuesday, September 30th.  It will go from 6:00-6:30/6:45.  This will include the first grade families of Mr. Hubbard's classroom as well.  I will send home a sign up note for this meeting.

*I have received quite a few volunteer sheets and I appreciate the responses.  I will publish a schedule and send it out in October.  We will start having volunteers around the middle of October.  This will allow me to establish our routines with the class before guests come in.

Logical Consequences 

"You break it, you fix it"
This type of logical consequence is used in situations when something has been broken or a mess has been made—whether accidentally or intentionally. The consequence is that those responsible for the problem take responsibility for fixing it. Teachers use this type of logical consequence when they see an opportunity for a child to solve a problem he or she has caused.
Adam jiggles the table and causes water to spill. The teacher directs Adam to clean it up.
Jana accidentally knocks Pedro down on the playing field. The teacher prompts Jana to help Pedro up, ask if he's OK, and go with him to get first aid if needed.
Loss of Privilege
This type of logical consequence is used when children's behavior does not meet pre-established expectations. The consequence is that the child loses the privilege of participating in an activity or using materials for a brief time, usually a class period or a day. What's taken away must be directly related to the misbehavior, and the teacher must make sure that the child truly understands and can live up to expectations. Teachers use this type of logical consequence when children defy, test, or simply forget the rules.
Dana insists on using the watercolor brush in a way that damages its bristles. The teacher tells Dana that she cannot use watercolors during choice time until she's reviewed correct use of the brush and shown the teacher that she knows how to use it without damaging it.
Garth's class job for the week is line leader, but as he leads the class to lunch, he leans into a classroom to wave hello to a friend. The teacher tells Garth that he has lost the privilege of being line leader for the day and temporarily gives that responsibility to another child. Later, she checks in with Garth to make sure he remembers and understands the expectations for walking in line.
Positive Time-Out
This type of logical consequence is used when a teacher believes that a child needs a way to calm down and recover self-control. The consequence is that the child moves to a pre-established place in the classroom, takes time to regroup, and then rejoins the class once he or she has calmed down. Teachers use time-out to keep minor misbehaviors—intentional and accidental—from escalating and becoming disruptive, and to give children opportunities to practice strategies they've learned for regaining self-control. Because many children have experienced punitive uses of time-out, it's important for teachers to explain that "in this class, time-out simply gives us the time and space we all sometimes need to get ourselves in check when we begin to lose our cool."
Mark disrupts a math lesson by calling out answers without raising his hand. The teacher sends him to the time-out place. In the minute or two he spends there, Mark calms down using self-calming techniques the class has learned, and then returns to his regular seat.
Have A Great Week!
