April 8, 2016

April 8, 2016

Good Morning,

  Today the students started planning their final structure for our engineering unit.  Their task is to build a structure that is less than 16 inches high, can hold weight at the top, and can withstand wind and earthquakes.  As the students planned, they were challenged to think about their learning (from the unit) and what concepts could be brought into their design.  They will have to build towers only using newspaper and tape.

  We will be headed to the Flynn on Thursday.  Looking ahead at the weather, we have decided to eat at school before we leave.  That means we will be eating lunch at 10:05 and departing at 10:45.  Your child will need a cold lunch from home.  The school will provide bagged lunches if your child orders one.  I will place those orders on Monday.  Please let your child know if they need to order one.

  We continued working on our Making A Difference Units on Wednesday.  These projects may require that the kids leave the building with their group leader.  The leaders are Mrs. Babic (our counselor, Mr. Mongeon (our librarian), Ms. Korb (principal) or myself.  Please let me know if you rather your child not ride in a car driven by their leader.

  I hope you have a great week.