September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016

Good Afternoon,

 This week could be summed up as a "dress rehearsal" week.  This was the week that students demonstrated their knowledge and ability to perform all of the procedures, expectations, and classroom norms that we have established.  Next week we will start formal reading, spelling, and science instruction.  Our first science unit will focus on animal adaptations and the students will examine how animals change to survive in their own habitats.  If you would like to learn more about this new district wide program, please click here.

  WE WON!  Each month Joe Robinson gives out an award for the class that demonstrates an ability to keep their classroom the cleanest.  Specifically, which room picks up papers off the floor and keeps food in the trash (and off the floors).  I have asked the students to think about the work that Joe and Roy do, over the summer, to prepare the school for the coming year.  With this in mind, I have challenged them to respect that work and do their best to leave the room the way it started. Congratulations on the win and there is already a talk of a winning streak!


*I hope everyone had a chance to read through the homework notes and watch the video.  If anything is not clear or you have questions, please let me know.

*Scarecrow Contest.  The Valley Chamber is sponsoring a scarecrow contest.  Mr. Van Dine's and our class will be teaming up to create an exhibit for this competition.  We are hoping to build our scarecrow on Friday. Please dress accordingly.

*Your child will have their Weekly News journals in their backpacks.  Please take time to read them and respond.  We will read your responses at Monday's Morning Meeting.

That is all for now.  Have a great weekend.
