Good Afternoon,
Needless to say, this week (in our classroom) can be described with a variety of words but I think draining and emotional sum it up best. We also had a variety of fun and exciting things going on that I don't want overlook, so please take time to read this rather lengthy blog post.

On Wednesday, the class explored how and why three different types of bird beaks are shaped or adapted the way they are. The students used spoons, tweezers, and clothespins to try and grab onto different objects (that represented food). We then discussed why a pelican, a hummingbird, and a wood pecker have the beaks that they do.
Wednesday also had Kathy Haskell coming in to read during our read a loud time. Kathi chose to share the book Zachary's Ball by Matt Tavares. Zachary's father catches a foul ball at Fenway Park and gives it to him, something really amazing happens — Zachary finds himself on the pitcher's mound, wearing a Red Sox uniform and playing against New York! The students have really enjoyed our guest readers. If anyone else would like to come in and read, please let me know.

*Picture retake will take place on October 19th. The pictures were sent home today. Please look for them in your child's homework bag.
*WE NEED YOUR HELP! I am working with Nora, our art teacher, on a recycled art project. The goal is for the kids to work on a project this spring. However, we need to start collecting items now. The project will involve students using plastic bottle caps. These can be from soda bottles, water bottles, ice tea bottles, orange juice bottles, or any other bottle. Please start saving them and sending them in. I will have a collection box here at school. We will need a large amount of these, so please spread the word.
*Your child has free choice reading books for the weekend as well as their Weekly News. Please take time to respond to their letter to you.
That is all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend.