Well the delay seemed to make the kids happy and some seem to capitalize on the extra sleep. We used our shortened morning time to finish our book for Ms. Jane. As a reminder, we will be having our Secret Pal Party and her going away party on Thursday. So far I Clara's and Kane's families bringing in an item. If anyone else could provide drinks, nut free food, or plates/cups, please let me know.

As a reminder, Secret Pals start next week. Your child should bring their card in on Tuesday. The snack should be brought in on Wednesday and the gift/book on Thursday. Remember to label each item and sign it "From Your Secret Pal."
*Your child has their Weekly News and books of choice in their backpack. Please take a look and have them read this weekend.
*There will be a ski/mountain safety assembly next week. It was postponed today.
*Scholastic book orders will be in next week. I just got an email that they had been shipped.
Have a great weekend.