I wanted to give you a heads up about tomorrow's all school hike and Monday's trip to the Flynn Theater.
HIKE: Today your child chose from 1 of 3 hikes that they can do tomorrow. The students will be leaving around 9:00 and will be back by 12:30. The kids will eat lunch up at the mountain. Please have your child pack a lunch. Lev, Kane, Liv, Noah, Clara, and Sam have signed up for bagged lunches (from school). We will eat snack before we leave school. Your child should empty out their backpack, except homework bag, and put a water bottle in it. They should dress in layers and have good shoes for hiking.

With talking animals, a daring rescue, a flying dragon, buried treasure, and lots of humor throughout, this fabulous adventure is brought to the stage using puppets, masks, inventive scenic effects and original music. Enchantment Theatre Company presents the story of a compassionate and courageous young boy and his unlikely friendship with a splendid yellow and blue striped dragon.
I hope everyone enjoyed the Open House. It was nice to see so many of you. The classroom is always open to you, please feel free to stop by anytime. I apologize for not having the classroom tree finished in time. However, here is a picture of the finished product.
This week also marked the unveiling of Caroline's caterpillar. She brought it on a few weeks ago and we have been patiently awaiting to see the arrival of this particular monarch,