Good Afternoon,

This week we joined a Skype session with Celine Cousteau. She is the granddaughter of the famous diver and is quite an accomplished director and producer of environmental documentaries. We were joined by schools from all over the world. Some of the content was a bit to heavy for our class but the kids did hear about the need to conserve and the importance of protecting our environment. Both the 1st and 2nd grade math classes are working on a geometry unit. The 1st grade has been focusing on pattern block features, names and composing bigger shapes using smaller shapes or decomposing bigger shapes to create smaller shapes (i.e a hexagon can be made up of 6 smaller triangles). The 2nd graders have been working with attribute blocks and sorting shapes by specific attributes. This week also saw a multitude of "special events." Tuesday morning had the students carving pumpkins as a whole school. They had a great time and were excited about their designs. I really enjoyed watching the evening event unfold. It was nice to see so many of you and the smiles on the kids faces. Wednesday was the 2nd day of our 3 event inspiration hour. We will have our final session on November 1st. Yesterday we continued our discussion about climate change with our friends in New Jersey, Tennessee, and Minnesota. It was great to hear how each class is using their time to focus on an aspect of climate change.

Yesterday, I sent home a gold form for you to fill out with your child regarding conferences and helping your child set a goal for the next part of the year. I had asked that they be returned today but only received 5 back. I did speak to a couple of people this morning and know that they will return them Monday. I really need all of them by Monday. Could you please sit with your child this weekend and fill it out. We will use these as part of our parent conferences and I want to review them before the day of the conferences. Thank you in advance for your support and effort with this.

*Your child has their Weekly News and weekend reading in their backpacks.
*I will be out of the classroom on Thursday, October 26th but will be back for conferences, I have a meeting at the agency of ed that day. I will also be out of school on Monday, October 30th. I am using a personal day to travel home from Detroit.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mr. Young