I am going to write one post for this week. It will be rather lengthy but please read through the whole thing. Several of my 2nd graders have asked that we do Secret Pals again this year. The purpose of this event is to celebrate each other and enjoy the idea of trying to surprise a friend. Today, in your child's homework bag, there will be a yellow note for you to read and sign your child up. The note MUST be returned by tomorrow. I will use our Art time tomorrow to create a list of each other's Secret Pals and send home a note with your child's Secret Pal.
Yesterday, my friend from India, Ajay led the class in a yoga session. I have to say it was absolutely amazing. He led them through a variety of poses and was impressed with their knowledge of so many yoga poses. For me, I was thrilled that they got this opportunity. What was great was the excitement by both the students and Ajay. We will try and do this again in January.
Wednesday afternoon, we finally finished our map work with town, state, country, continent, and world. Next week the kids will present their understanding to each other. I am hoping to record a presentation or two so that you all can see the work that they have been doing.

That is all for now.
Have a great weekend.