Mr. Mongeon working with a student using Adobe Spark |
The final week of September, are you kidding me? It feels like we just started school last week. We have had a very busy week in the world of small chairs and big pencils. As I have mentioned in previous posts, we are working with a 1st grade class in Tampa, Florida. We wanted to see how our schools were similar and different. We decided to make an audio book of our school. Mr. Mongeon came in and help us create our final product using
Adobe Spark. The students used i-Pads to capture a variety of pictures from the school. The ideas cam from a class brainstorm and discussion on Tuesday. Yesterday, we sent our final version to Ms. Valdez's class. They were so inspired by our use of Spark that they created their own version and sent it back. To access our version
click here. If you want to access the school tour from Florida,
click here. Today, the class had a video call with our Florida friends and they talked about the similarities and differences of the two schools.
Two kids comparing their families using a Venn Diagram |
On Wednesday, we continued our focus of our own families and how they are similar and different. They shared their family portraits that they created. I then introduced them to a Venn diagram and we practiced using one to compare two different families. The kids then partnered up and used a diagram to compare their family to that of a peer. We will continue this work next Wednesday.
Once a month, my class will work with Ms. Belknap's class on cooperative projects, challenges, and/or tasks. This week was the 1st time we gathered. The theme was bridge building and the kids had to build the best bridge that they could using 24 popsicle sticks, 3 feet of tape, two chairs, and markers. I view this joint effort as an important piece in teaching teamwork, social skills, and using clear and precise communication.
Testing bridge concepts as a small group |
Throughout this semester, Ms. Fornaby will take over different parts of the day, as part of her student teaching experience. Two weeks ago, she took over the read a loud time (after lunch). I have asked her to prepare some thoughts about the read a loud selections this week. Here is what she had to say: This week we read a variety of different books during read aloud. On Monday we finished
Johnny Appleseed by Jodie Shepherd, which we had started at the end of last week. The book taught us about who he was (he was a real person!) and how he shared his apple seeds with other people who then went on to plant them. We discussed what made Johnny a kind and helpful person.Next we read
Night Animals by Gianna Marino. This was a silly book about a group of nocturnal animals who are spooked by the noises they hear the “night animals” making late at night. They don’t realize that they are the night animals! The story and illustrations gave us all a good laugh. On Tuesday we read
It’s Okay to be Different by Todd Parr. This was a colorful and light-hearted book about embracing and accepting the things that make us all different. From missing teeth, to making mistakes, or dancing by yourself, this book stresses that all of these things are okay and help to make you, you! The final book we read this week was
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon. This is one of my personal favorites from when I was a kid. I was excited to share this book with the class,
Ms. Fornaby leading the class in a morning dance |
and was thrilled that some of them already knew it! It is the story of a baby fruit bat and the chaos that ensues when she lands in a nest full of baby birds. Read aloud has been so much fun and I look forward to sharing more books with the class!
*Remember, parent volunteers start Monday, October 15th.
*We will officially start our spelling, writing, and reading groups this week. It is important that books and homework bags are returned each day.
*10/2 Zones of Regulation Presentation with Vicky Hoefle 6 - 7:30 p.m. @Waitsfield School
*10/5 Inservice-no school for students
*10/8 Holiday-no school
That is all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend.