Good Morning,

I hope you are all well. I am sorry about the lack of posts last week, I just lost track of time. The kids have been writing up a storm. They have all worked hard on editing creating a small moment story, adding detail to their work, coming up with good beginnings and endings, and have learned how to use a checklist to edit their story. Some of the first stories will be published this week.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at our conferences over the next two days. This will give us a chance to talk about the start of the year and some goals that you, your child, and I have for the 1st semester. Please remember to have your child come with you during the conference.

Halloween! Once again Halloween falls during the school week. I tend not to do a Halloween party at school (mostly because of what the evening events entail) but will have some Halloween related activities during the day. CANDY REQUEST- Please make sure your child doesn't have handfuls of candy in their bags, when they come to school. Due to allergies, we can't have kid seating it on the bus or handing it out to others. Thank you for your support with this.
Last Friday, we read the book The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors by Adam Rex. This is a Red Clover selection this year and a fantastic "historical documentation" of how the classic game cam to be. After we read the story we went to the gym and played a version. Check out the videos below.
I hope you all have a great week.