Students exploring geo-baords |
Finding number matches with dominoes. |
Happy Monday all. I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy yet another beautiful weekend in Vermont. Today we introduced the 1st of the three logical consequences we will use this year (when a classroom rule is broken). Logical consequences are not meant to be punitive but rather allow students to regain self control, fix a mistake, or to not be asked to handle a responsibility they are not ready to handle. The first one introduced was "taking a break." This is usually used if a student is showing that they have lost the ability to control themselves in a particular moment. This is not timeout in the sense of how you probably understand the term. Kids are not "in trouble" if they take a break. This is simply my way of asking them to think about what they are doing, how they are going to fix it, and then rejoining the group. The take a break chair is right in the classroom, in a spot where they can still see and hear instruction.
Here is a quick video that will give you an idea about the concept.
Students practicing lip-sync dances in PE class. |
Our field trip for Thursday is all set. If you would like to still make a $6 donation, please send it in. We will be leaving our school around 8:30. The bus will pick up the Fayston 1st and 2nd grade and then come get us. We will have Ms. Fornaby, myself, and three other parents joining us (Shane's, Steel's and Riley's moms). I think we will miss all any rain that day but keep our eye on the weather and dress appropriately.
That is all for now. I hope you all have a great week.