Good Afternoon,
I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted. Between the flu, report cards, and basketball, I have been skating by.

I need to start by addressing the shirts and clothing that are referred to as "flip shirts." These have become quite a craze in the 1st and 2nd grade. I too think they are very cool and I understand why the kids like them so much. However, Mr. Hubbard and I have been talking and we feel they are becoming a major distraction and prohibit many of the students from being able to focus during instructional time. So we put our Middlebury and Champlain College educations together and came up with "Flip Shirt Friday." We are asking that kids only wear these shirts on Fridays. This will allow them to still show their friends but not be a distraction all week long.

I also need to ask that you talk to your child about wearing the shirt or flipping other people's shirts. My concern is people are just going up and touching a persons body because their shirt has flippable sequins. We work hard to teach each other to respect each person's body. I would ask that you spend some time making sure that your child knows they don't have to let someone rub their chest just because of the shirt they are wearing and that they should ask permission before doing it to a classmate. This is something we are addressing here too but your help would be beneficial.
Yesterday we tried a variety of food that our friends in Tampa sent us. These were Spanish snacks that included two different types of cookies and some guava paste. The reaction were generally the same, cookies-good, guava paste-not so much.
We have been working on our new writing unit that focuses on persuasive pieces. The students have been writing letters to each other about their favorite books, characters from books, and/or favorite parts. Ask your child about a character they have written about.
That is all for now. Have a great weekend.
Mr. Young