It is an absolute privilege to welcome you to the 2019-2020 school year and my classroom. This blog will serve as my primary communication tool for the school year. If you would like to receive a paper printout of this please let me know.
If you would like to learn how to subscribe to the blog, this will email you a notification every time I submit a post, please watch this video. Note: This video was made in 2016 (by me).
Yesterday, we started the day with an all school assembly. The students were treated to a musical duet and were introduced to the new staff members of the school. The students worked on a project that described their feeling about the 1st day of school and also completed a writing about the day one highlights. I am going to be weaving on a sports theme throughout the year and referring to our class as a team will be part of it. The students' work from both of these projects can be found out in the hallway outside our classroom.The students also made a bracelet and we discussed and modeled shared classroom and school expectations for the lunchroom, hallway, bathroom, and playground.
Today the students completed a super hero picture of themselves, where they identified their own super power, their favorite subject in school, and their birthdate. They also did a scavenger hunt, during morning meeting, that had them finding out interesting facts about their classmates.
READ A LOUDS: Read A Loud is something that will happen each day. I love sharing books with students and studies show 15-20 minutes of read a loud a day goes along way in developing young readers. Yesterday we read First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg and The Pigeon Has to Go to School by Mo Williams. Today I read Dear Teacher by Amy Husband.
*The school day does start at 7:40 and we start with a morning meeting right away. It is a HUGE issue for me when students arrive late (I understand something may come up once in a great while). Riding a bus will assure your child will arrive on time. If you are taking on the responsibility of transporting your child to school, please plan accordingly. Students arriving late miss out on parts of the meeting, feel awkward coming in, and sets a different tone for the start of their day compared to that of their peers.
*Your child will bring home a ziploc bag each night. This will have any notes, work, and/or reading that your child should do. Please send the bag back to school with your child each day.
*Book Orders: Today your child brought home information regarding book orders. Please look through it and let me know if you have any questions.
That is all for now.
Mr. Young