Yesterday, we started the day with an all school assembly. The students were treated to a musical duet and were introduced to the new staff members of the school. The students worked on a project that described their feeling about the 1st day of school and also completed a writing about the day one highlights. I am going to be weaving on a sports theme throughout the year and referring to our class as a team will be part of it. The students' work from both of these projects can be found out in the hallway outside our classroom.The students also made a bracelet and we discussed and modeled shared classroom and school expectations for the lunchroom, hallway, bathroom, and playground.
Today the students completed a super hero picture of themselves, where they identified their own super power, their favorite subject in school, and their birthdate. They also did a scavenger hunt, during morning meeting, that had them finding out interesting facts about their classmates.
*Your child will bring home a ziploc bag each night. This will have any notes, work, and/or reading that your child should do. Please send the bag back to school with your child each day.
*Book Orders: Today your child brought home information regarding book orders. Please look through it and let me know if you have any questions.
That is all for now.
Mr. Young