September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020

 Good Afternoon,

  I hope this finds all of you well and coming off a wonderful weekend.  My wife and I spent yesterday driving a variety of back roads taking in the scenery and then finished our trip with some apple picking.  The colors of the leaves were incredible this weekend.  

  Today the students took our districts math and literacy assessments, using Star 360.  If you would like to read more about it, take a look at this link  The 2nd grade math students will take the math portion tomorrow with Mr. Hubbard.  This data will act as a screening tool and offer advice on where I should start teaching each student.  

 Today's read a loud was What Do You Love About You? by Karen Lechelt.  This book focused on what special traits each animal liked about themselves.  It was great to see why a giraffe loved its long neck or the chipmunk love its puffy cheeks.  When we finished, I asked the students to all share about something he liked about himself.  It was great to hear their answers.  I encourage you to continue this discussion with your family.  If you want to hear a version fo the story, click here.  in their writing prompts about what they liked about fall.  They also turned in their pointillism picture of a fall tree.  These writing and pictures are displayed outside our classroom.  Today also served as a teaching point about writing assignments.  Please make sure your child follows the prompt directions on the weekly plan and uses pencil for his/her writing.  I did ask some 2nd graders to add more to their writings today or to start again.  We talked about best work and looked at different pieces of writing, that had been turned in, to look at things we noticed about each piece.  I wanted to explain the writing process a bit more.  Please watch this video to understand why I have the process that I do.


*Every child has now been given a big clear glue stick for Wednesday's project.  Please make sure he/she grabs a few colored leaves from outside for the project.  It would be best to have them in by Tuesday to allow the to dry a bit.

*There are 2 writing tasks for asynchronous work this week.  Please make sure your child completes them both and brings them to school on Thursday or next Monday.  If you want to know what writing prompts have been assigned and turned in, please check out this spreadsheet.  There are no grades or assessment comments but rather just a checklist for your convenience and sanity of work going to and from.  

That is all for now.  Have a great week.


Mr. Young

We went for a walk in the rain today.

Some of the fall writes with pointillism pictures

September 25, 2020

September 25, 2020

Happy Friday Everyone! We have had a great week and it was certainly nice to have each group for two full days in person. This week I completed the Developmental Spelling Assessment with each student. The results of this will show me where to start with their phonetic instruction. I have all started the reading test with some fo the students. I hope to finish these next week. The results of these tests will allow me to develop a reading group that is a "best fit" for their individual need.

  This week in math, the 2nd graders continued their look at attributes of shapes.  They are learning to use Venn Diagrams to record their sorting results.  The 1st graders continued working on proper numeral formation, worked with addition equations and also looked at the concept of teen numbers being ten and some more.  Wednesday, I asked the students to join me as we read Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert.  This read-a-loud was in conjunction with this week's writing prompt.  After reading the book, I introduced the students to an artist named George Seurat.  George is known for his technique of pointillism. I challenged the students to make a picture of a tree in fall, using this technique.  The pictures will hang with their writing prompts out in the hallway.  I chose to use the pointillism technique to work on the students abilities to have to spend time on a piece of work rather than rush through it.  This is a skill that will be called upon throughout the year and it is a great and "safe" way to push them toward that concept.  During our Morning Meetings, this week, I had the students share their Hopes and Dreams for the year.  The students each illustrated their Hope and Dream and they are displayed in our classroom for all to see (see picture).  These represent their first academic goal for the year.  We will also use these to help develop our classroom norms (over the next two weeks).  

I have also displayed each of the student's self portraits that they did back in week 1 of school.  These portraits are also a form of assessment.  I use the book Yardsticks, by Chip Wood as a guide when looking at where students fall developmentally.  It is a book I usually give to my relatives, when they have a child.  I linked it (above) so you can check it out if you wish to purchase one.  However, if you have a baby while your child is in my room, I will buy you one!  It is a win, win.  You get a free book and a baby and I get job security by adding another child to our school system 😉.


*For the Monday/Tuesday in person group, make sure you bring your writing assignment and your fall picture back to school on Monday.

*This week book of choice selections started going home.  I have built an extensive classroom library and love letting the students take home a book of choice.  The choice may be a book that they can read or it may be one they would like read to them.  I only rule is they are always kept in the big Ziploc bag and returned each day your child comes to school.  If even you don't get to read it, keep it in the bag.  If a student brings a book back, that will give them the ability to take another one home.

*DAILY ATTENDANCE:  Anytime your child has an offsite day of learning, he/she must complete the Daily Attendance Form that is found in my Google Classroom.  Please, please do this each time.  

*PHOTO DAY SUCCESS:  Photos have all been taken and since we couldn't do a class picture this year, I took one of each group.  You can find them below.

*Your child is coming home with a glue stick. Please keep this in a spot where they can access it when needed. We will be using them throughout the year. If you can show them how to use them, it will prevent a big glob of glue from getting everywhere. Your child will also need a few fall colored leaves for this activity. Can you have them grab some over the weekend.

That is all for now.  I hope you have a great weekend.


Mr. Young

September 21, 2020

September 21, 2020


Students enjoying lunch on a beautiful fall day.

Good Afternoon Everyone!  Let me start off with a huge thank you!  Every child arrived today with their Ziploc bag and all of their materials.  I appreciate the effort on your end and know you all are balancing a lot. 

Today We read the story What Does It Mean To Be Kind? by Rana DiOrio.  In this story, A girl is kind to a new student in her class. Her kindness spreads, an act of kindness after an act of kindness, until her whole community experiences the magical change that happens when everyone understands and act on, what means to be kind. I tied it into our previous discussions on acts of kindness and challenged the students to start adding their own acts of kindness to their little kindness books.  I can't wait to see how they each demonstrate acts of kindness.  


Upcoming Assessments:

I will be spending the next few weeks conducting a variety of assessments that will allow me to see what your child can do and what he/she needs to be taught.  Some of the assessments will be done 1:1 and some are whole group.  Here are the assessments and what purpose they serve.

F&P Reading Test:  This is a 1;1 assessment that allows me to see how your child reads, what strategies they have in their toolbox, and it gives me an indication of what level book to use with him.her.  It is done on a 1:1 basis and they will be conducted over the next few weeks.

DSA:  This is the developmental spelling test.  It is a whole group test where students are asked to spell a sequential set of words that help me zero in on what spelling stage he/she is at.  I did this today with the Monday group and will do it again on Thursday.

Letter ID & Sound:  This is a 1:1 test that will allow me to see what letters your child knows and what sounds they think each letter makes.

Star 360:  This is a district wide math and language arts test that serves as a screening tool for your child's abilities and strengths.  It helps us identify where to start with certain aspects fo the curriculum.


*Please make sure your child's Chromebook is charged each night.  This is critical for usage at school.

*Make sure you are checking the work schedule for week 3 on the blog.

That is all for now.  I hope you have a great week.


Mr. Young

September 18, 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

 Happy Friday Everyone,

  Today marks the end of our current 1:4 model and we will now move to a 2:3 model.  I have to say, I am glad that I will get two straight days with each group and only 1 day of online meetings (Wednesdays).  The Tuesday group will now be Mondays and Tuesdays in school and the Thursday group will now be Thursdays and Fridays.  Wednesdays will consist of a live Morning Meeting, A live literacy block, and two asynchronous activities from me.  There will be Integrated Arts check-ins offered on Wednesday afternoons too.

  It will be important that you help your child or their child care provider stay on top of the asynchronous activities, for the days he/she is not in school.  On another please make sure your child is on time for each meeting.  When you have 15 or so 6&7 year olds on a Zoom call, it is best to get them going and get them off the call as soon as possible.  Having to catch a "late arriving student" is not only difficult but really kills the momentum of the lesson and my ability to keep all focused. Please be respectful of everyone as you do your part.  

  Today the students head the story Henry Holton Takes the Ice by Sandra Bradley.  "Henry Holton’s whole family is hockey mad. Everyone, that is, except Henry. When he holds a hockey stick, Henry becomes a menace to the game—and an embarrassment to his sports-minded family. It’s not until he sees his first ice dancing performance that Henry realizes there’s something he can do on the ice that doesn’t involve boarding and body checking. Henry is ready to hang up his gear and try on some figure skates, but first he has to convince his hockey-obsessed family to let him follow his own path."

This week the students were treated to a very tine donut after a recent survey showed that my whole class loves donuts.  I use surveys as part of Morning Meeting to teach the Data and Analysis of the curriculum.  It's also a great way to learn new information about the students in our class.  
Students Showing Off Their Donuts

 Learn About Our Class
 This week the students finished their All About Me  posters.  I used these to create a short video introduction about each student.  Please go to my Google Classroom page and access the videos through there.  Once you are in Google Classroom, go the the classwork tab and then find the section that is titled This Year's Students.  

 Weekly News Journals
Today we started our Weekly News Journals.  This year I will use these to teach the concept of writing good paragraphs.  Each week the students will get to write to their parents or me and write about something from their week.  This is something that will be a slow process especially for 1st graders) and will take a lot of time and teaching to get it to wear I want each piece to be.  I promise you they will get there just be patient and trust the process.  We will use in person time, this week to finish up the 1st entry.  If you missed today's lesson, click here, and you can watch it with your child and get them caught up.  Please make sure the journals come to school with them this week.

That is all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the beauty of fall in Vermont.  I will see or talk with all of you next week.


Our class out on a walk.  Our umbrellas keep us safely apart.

September 14, 2020

Monday, September 14, 2020

Good Afternoon,

 I hope you all are doing well and found today's navigation, of remote learning, a bit easier.  We had 10 students on for our Morning Meeting today.  I knew 2 students were not going to make it.  It seems like the Neck of the Woods Program is still trying to work out the kinks on their end.  I hope they can figure it out sooner rather than later.  

Add caption

Today we read the story Try A Little Kindness.  I love this simple book that demonstrates so many ways to share acts of kindness.  In a world where looking for the positives in life, is a must, this book demonstrated how simple acts of kindness can mean so much for others.  When the students come to school this week, he/she will receive a mini composition book (see picture).  The idea is they will keep it with them and when they do an act of kindness, they can either draw a picture or write about it.  They should date each entry.  Below is a reading of the book, if you would like to hear it too.

 During our writing time, the students each came up with an academic goal that they wanted to work on this year.  This was after a discussion of why e come to school.  If your child missed this meeting today, please watch this recording, discuss it with your child, and then email me their goal.  They will need their goal identified to do a project later in the week.

To Do List:
*Make sure your child brings in their completed poster, self portrait, and their writing prompt, when they return to school this week.

*Your child should have their Zearn binder, charged chrome book, and their blue writing folder too.

*Please make sure your child is getting to 4 Zearn math lessons a week.  I will start giving progress updates in two weeks.

*PLEASE, PLEASE if your child is in Person on Thursdays, make sure to stop by school and pick up two pieces of card-stock.  The bins are located outside my side classroom door, in the clear tub.  The Tuesday students will be given their sheet tomorrow at school.  We will be using this paper on Wednesday.

That is all for now.

Mr. Young

September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020

 Good Afternoon,

  I hope you all take a moment to pat yourselves on the back as you successfully completed your first week of navigating our new world.  Compared to the last time we had to start the school year in a "pandemic mode" . . .oh wait, we never have.  So let's just celebrate the successes.  

Today the students finished the All About Me posters and completed their self portrait.  If your child missed the writing lesson today, please find time, before his/her next in person day, to complete the work.  Both posters should be returned on their in person day this coming week.  I did record the lesson today, so if you want to watch that to get the directions, please do so.  The lesson can be found here.  There was a little bit of down time because we had to wait for people to join.  You may want to skip ahead.

When your child returns to in person schooling this week; please have them bring the following assignments that are due:

1. Self Portrait (drawn and colored in)

2.  All About Me Poster (filled out and colored in).

3.  Week 1 Writing Prompt: My Favorite Thing I Did This Summer.  Note:  Most of the Thursday kids turned that in when they came on Thursday.

This morning we listened to the story When a Dragon Moves in by Jodi Moore. "If you build a perfect sandcastle, a dragon will move in. And that’s exactly what happens to one very lucky boy at the beach. Dad is busy sunbathing and Mom is busy with her book, so the boy and dragon roam the beach together, flying a kite, braving the waves, and roasting marshmallows. But no one believes him when he shares the news of his magnificent dragon: Mom only hears the roar of the ocean, Dad thinks the dragon feather is a seagull feather, and know-it-all sis claims there’s no such thing as a dragon. That’s when the sandwiches mysteriously disappear, claw prints are found in the brownies, and dragon-giggles erupt from the strangest of places. Heh-heh-heh. Is there truly a mischievous dragon running around on the beach or is someone’s imagination running wild? Decide for yourself When a Dragon Moves In."

This week the students met with Mr. Hill, our music teacher, our librarian Mr. Mongeon, and our counselor Ms. Ashley.  Ms. Ashley is new to our school and I was glad the kids got a chance to meet with her.  Speaking of Mr. Hill, he asks that you use this link to join his virtual music class on Monday at 10:40.  The link will also be in my weekly plans that you get on Sunday.

That is all for now.  I hope you all have a great weekend with no screens and lots of outside time.  We are off to a great start and I can't wait to see what week 2 brings us.  Please reach out if you need anything.


September 8, 2020

September 8, 2020

 WELCOME BACK! It is certainly nice to be back int he classroom with some students.  We spent the morning learning names, and we had our first Morning Meeting.  We talked about why we meet and the goal of our meetings.  Ms. Ashley, our new guidance counselor, also joined our meeting.  She took time to introduce herself and played a quick little game with the class.  We also had our first math class today.  The first graders all came to my room and the 2nd graders went to Mr. Hubbard's room and worked on attributes.  The first graders spent some time working on making the digits 0 and 1.  Some of them will need to finish their work at home.  They will need their number writing packet for tomorrow's online class too.  

  This afternoon, I read the book First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg.  "Everyone knows that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach just before diving into a new situation. Sarah Jane Hartwell is scared and doesn't want to startover at a new school. She doesn'tknow anybody, and nobody knows her. It will be awful. She just knows it. With much prodding from Mr. Hartwell, Sarah Jane reluctantly pulls herself together and goes to school. She is quickly befriended by Mrs. Burton, who helps smooth her jittery transition."

  Tomorrow will be our first whole class Morning Meeting.  Please make sure your child logs on by 8:40.  It will start at 8:45.  The link for the meeting can be found here.  The first graders will also have a virtual math class.  Your child can access this meeting by clicking here.  Your child will need their number writing book, their computer, and their Zearn binder.  Again the math class is for 1st graders only.

There are two bins outside my classroom door (see picture).  These bins are for you to be able to drop your child's work off for me (if it can't wait until the next time they come to school) and the other is a bin for me to leave work for you. They will stay outside all of the time so you can access them when it works for you.  If I am leaving something for your child, I will email to let you know.

That is all for now.  Have a great evening.


Mr. Young