October 13, 2020

October 13, 2020

 Good Afternoon,

  I hope this finds you all well and coming off a great weekend.  I feel like we received some bonus early fall weather this weekend and it was nice to have some time to enjoy it.  Today the students walked into a classroom full of tables and chairs.  We are starting to prep for the return of all of the students.  Although the plexi-glass isn't installed yet (will be tomorrow) we were able to space the group at a safe distance and use them today.  

Speaking of all the students coming for 4 days a week of in person instruction, we will be moving to our 4:1 model very soon.  This will be a relief for so many parents trying to work and keep their child caught up with school work.  I would like to have a informational Zoom meeting (I would like to have a informational Zoom meeting regarding this learning model on Thursday, October 15 @ 8:00 pm.  This will give you all time to get your families fed and maybe even in bed.  The meeting is not intended for students so please don;t ask them to join.  It will give me a chance to go over the schedule and outline what the Wednesday (off site day) will look like.  It will also allow you to ask any questions you may have.  To join the meeting please click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9886582893.

I ASK that you register for the meeting by signing up on this document.  This will allow me to know who is attending in advance.

Today's Tom Thumb Award winners from math class (pictured left).  These kids won a prize and got a picture with the trophy.  You will see there are no girls in the picture.  This is not a sexist thing but rather none of the families provided me a first grade girl for my Monday/Tuesday group.  Just wanted to be clear 😀.

That is all for now.  I will see everyone at 8:45 tomorrow for our Morning Meeting followed by a literature project meeting at 9:45. 


Mr. Young