Happy New Year! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable time as we wrapped up 2020. I am sorry I didn't post Monday.
I love this time of year as far as teaching. The January-February stretch marks a very valuable time in your child's learning. It is a nice uninterrupted stretch of academic time. The kids know all of the routines and we can really push the academic rigor before the February break. I will spend the next two weeks conducting a variety of mid-year assessments to help me gauge your child's learning and help devise a 2nd half plan that will meet their needs. Please do your best to have your child in school, as much as possible, during this time. .
Their are a variety of reminders and information that I need you to review. PLEASE read through this and take note.
*Homework bags. I really need your child to bring their homework bag to and from school each day and to make sure the book they bring home is in the bag when they do return to school. Some students have this down but others are still struggling. Please help your child with this. I really don;t want to be forced to not send home books to read.
*Winter Clothing: We will go outside everyday. Your child must have the appropriate clothing. Also,
please make sure they have a change of shoes. Wearing wet clunky boots around isn't great for learning.
*Wednesday asynchronous lessons. I am using the Wednesday lessons to work on improving writing structure. In order for your child to learn these techniques, they really need to be part of the lesson. Please do your best to make this happen. I appreciate the effort.
That is all for now. Have a great weekend.