Good Evening,
I am sorry I am just sitting down to write this now but basketball season tends to lead to longer hours on all fronts. It is 9:30 and I am writing this wondering what tomorrow's weather will bring. I am hoping it is an in person learning day but the forecast is making me doubt the possibility of that. We will wait and see what the morning will bring.
Today I sent home a few things in your child's homework bag (the Ziploc bag). There is a white folder that says Snow Day. That has paper that your child will need for the meeting tomorrow. Please make sure he/she keeps it in their bag until the meeting and packs it all back up after. Everyone did a great job with returning work last week. There is also a purple paper packet and a writing checklist. This is for the Weekly News entry he/she will have to do on Wednesday.
Tomorrow's Schedule (If we have a remote learning day) is listed below. Please make sure that you explain to your child that if we don't have in person learning, it is not a snow day. It is a remote learning day and counts toward the number of days of school we are required to attend this year. When June arrives, the sun is out, and kids want to be outside and done with school, we will all appreciate the work that went into making a remote day happen on a cold day in February. HOWEVER, I understand that remote days can cause headaches for your own work schedules. If your child can't attend a meeting because of it, please don't sweat it. I ask that you do the attendance question and then do the asynchronous work at a better time (for your family) tomorrow.