November 19, 2021
November 19, 2021
November 11, 2021
November 11,2021
Good Afternoon,
I am writing this post a day early because I will not be in school tomorrow or Monday. I have two brothers who were both career Marines. One of them has already retired and the other will be retiring from the Marines on Saturday. My family and I are all going out to Pittsburgh, PA for the ceremony. I am both proud and humbled by their service and am glad I can share this moment with him. Mr. Cadwell will be the substitute, so class will cary on as usual.
Time, Time, everywhere there's time, open up your eyes and tell me the time . . . Well maybe that is not how the song goes but that was the theme in 1st grade math this week. We have been working on telling the time to hours and half hours. I will introduce quarter hours later in the year, when they have a better understanding of fractional parts. I like to relate the two concepts. This week I also assessed the addition strategies students were using to solve within 10 equations. I hope that the full class is back this next week and I can get everyone caught up and continue forward. Ms Figdor had this to say about 2nd grade math, "This week in second grade math we have been working on anchoring our additive
understanding in models. The second graders have been using number lines and then open number lines as a way to model their thinking. A number line representation of a number quantity has been shown in cognitive studies to be important for the development of numerical knowledge. If you want to learn more about the research on the importance of visual modeling to support students' mathematical understanding check out the following article. our social studies time, we continued to talk about geography, community, and maps. We dove into characteristics of our community and used Google Earth and a Waitsfield map to find human characteristics and natural characteristics of the town. We then compared that to bigger cities by traveling on Google Earth to each spot. We even took a moment to look at Ben's hometown of Beverly.
*Just a reminder that the kids should pack an extra snack/protein bar that they can leave in their backpack. Today a few students were wanting something before lunch but didn't have anything in their bag. Packing an item that can stay in their bag for a period of time is always encouraged. I allow kids to go and grab something from their bag when they are feeling hungry.
*If your child wears boots to school, please make sure to pack a pair of sneakers or shoes too.
*Homework bags will go home today and tomorrow. Rememebr, these are books that your child is choosing out of interest. It may be a book he/she can read or it may be one they want read to them. If you don't read it that night, no big deal.
Have a great weekend.
November 6, 2021
November 5, 2021
I hope this finds all of you well and keeping warm as the nights become cooler. I have to say, overall, I was super psyched with how the kids handled post Halloween week and I was impressed with their focus. This week we started a geography unit (for social studies). The first two days had us looking at a map of the U.S., the state of Vermont, and a map of Waitsfield (Resort Map). We talked about terms like direction, location, map, map key, and symbols. The students worked on activities that had them finding items on a map and identifying symbols. Today we heard a reading of the book Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney. This story has a young girl showing readers herself on a map of her room, her room on the map of her house, her house on the map of her street--all the way to her country on a map of the world. When I don;t have a hard copy of a book, it is nice to be able to use online read-a-louds. It gives me access to so many more books!
On Wednesday, Mr. Cadwell conducted a design tech lesson that challenged kids to use marshmallows and toothpicks to build a structure that could hold books. The kids worked in teams of two and Mr. Cadwell related it to an earlier lesson that I had done back in October. There were some great attempts and most structures held 1 or 2 books. One structure held 25 books!
First grade math continued to focus on using addition strategies for fluency and efficiency. The students also compared quantities using the greater than, less than, and equal signs. Some of the students have been spending extra time learning or becoming more fluent with their complements of 10. This is a foundational skill that will be used for much of the work we do in 1st and 2nd grade, hence we spend a good amount of time working on it. I can explain what this leads to at our parent conference (if you are interested).
*Please don't forget to sign up for parent conferences. There are still 4 families that have not signed up. If you are uncomfortable meeting in person (Covid) and rather meet via Zoom, please send me an email by 11/15/21.
*This week the PTA provided winter hats for all of the students. They are a big hit and the kids love them. However, they all look alike and that can cause confusion if your kid drops their hat or someone takes one thinking it was theirs. Please, please put your child's name on the inside with a permanent marker.
*Thank you for the paper towel and toilet paper tubes. Please keep sending them in. I am trying to replenish my supplies from last year.
Sport Team Friday! |
*Fridays are "sport team Friday" at our school. This is something we started this year. If your child has a sport team shirt, have them wear it on Fridays.
That is all for now. I hope you have a great weekend. My oldest came home from college, for a visit, and I am looking forward to some family time and enjoying what looks to be a nice weekend.
November 1, 2021
November 1, 2021
Good Monday Evening! I am sorry that I am just getting to write this post now. The weekend got away from me. There is a bit to this post, so please take the time to read through all of it. You may have heard your child talking about writing a "Golden Story." Basically this is their final piece in our narrative writing unit. They are writing it on gold paper. I am using this term strictly to give the assignment importance and to get them excited about it. This story is their chance to show all of the concepts that each student has learned during this unit. This final piece will take two-three week to complete. I will share them at our parent conference.