Good Monday Evening! I am sorry that I am just getting to write this post now. The weekend got away from me. There is a bit to this post, so please take the time to read through all of it. You may have heard your child talking about writing a "Golden Story." Basically this is their final piece in our narrative writing unit. They are writing it on gold paper. I am using this term strictly to give the assignment importance and to get them excited about it. This story is their chance to show all of the concepts that each student has learned during this unit. This final piece will take two-three week to complete. I will share them at our parent conference.

We finished up our science unit (What is a Scientist? and Writing Like a Scientist) last week. We finished the unit with an experiment. The kids had 8 cups two of each of the following: hot water, vinegar, vegetable oil, and seltzer. Then a candy corn was placed in one of each of the liquids and a ghost Peep was placed in one of each of the liquids. The students continued to focus on the scientific process and recorded their results in their science notebooks. During the month of November, we will be focusing on a geography unit.
Last week all of the students had a chance to carve pumpkins that were then used on the Loop Rd. during Halloween. We used our project time in Wednesday afternoon to go outside and pick and carve our pumpkins. Most of the students seemed to really enjoy this. A couple found it a little "gross."
Parent Conferences: Later this week, you will have a chance to sign up for your child's conference time. There are slots on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please sign up early to get a slot you want. These conferences will be done in person. I ask that the students do attend the conference.
Please understand that with twenty students and a very full schedule, I will only be offering slots during these two times. There are 20 slots for 20 kids. If one parent needs to join remotely and the other in person, we can make that work via Zoom. I appreciate your help in making this work.
*All of the Scholastic books should have been delivered now. If you didn't receive something, please let me know.
*Mr. Cadwell (our class' student teacher will be conducting a STEM lesson this Wednesday. He will be recording this lesson for his class. He sent out an email today with the information and he will need to know, by tomorrow night, if you don't want your child to be in the video. If you are okay with it, nothing needs to be done. The video will only be used for his classwork. His email is
*We will not have school tomorrow.
*Tomorrow is the day to vote on the school bond. No matter where you stand on this, please get out and vote.
That is all for now.