This week has certainly flown by. We have done a variety of really exciting learning activities and lessons, so let's get to the summary.
Coding: Mr. Mongeon continued leading our class through our coding unit. The students are absolutely getting into this unit. They have started writing their own codes to make a simple interactive game on their i-pad. We will use the afternoon of December 22 to play each others games. Ask your child about the game he/she is starting to create.
Math: The 1st grade math students have been working on developing fluency within 10. Specifically, what makes 7, 8, 9. We have been doing this through a variety of card games, as well as a motor-cross game. We also discussed the concept of even and odd numbers and looked at the numbers 1-20 and why they were odd or even. Ms Figdor had this to say about 2nd grade math. "This week in second grade math we continued to use an open number line to model subtraction problems. Students are currently using “adding up” and “subtracting back” strategies on a number line and are becoming more efficient in solving problems. In addition, students have been working on being flexible thinkers during math class. They have been doing this by solving problems in more than one way and trying to understand how others solve problems. We have learned several new games this week to continue to practice our addition and subtraction basic facts. Next week the focus in second grade math will be adding by place value."
Writing: The students continued to hone in their ability to state and defend their opinion on a specific focus. The students are learning to state their opinion, defend it with three or more reasons and then restate their focus as an ending to the piece. So if you ask your child to clean their room and they say they don't want to and proceed to give you three solid reasons why; I do apologize!
Geography: Today the students finished their books that helps them understand the relative size of themselves, their town, their state, their country, their continent and their world. Each student has their circular book in their homework bag. This book can stay at home but they can use them with you and explain their learning.NOTES:
*Please have your child here at 7:40. Mr. Hubbard and I are sending out the same note. This seems to be a big challenge this year. A lot of "extra" work, help, and choice time goes on right off the bat. Please help us out.
*Please label all of your winter gear. Including hats and gloves.
That is all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend.