Mr. Cadwell leading a math lesson |
Good Afternoon,
I want to thank all of you for coming in for our conferences. I always enjoy the chance to talk about your child with you and discuss all of the things we do here. As always, if you have any other questions, please reach out any time. This week Parker took the lead on writing and 1st grade math instruction. They were the final pieces for him to lead before he starts his two week solo teaching. I will be in the building, over the next two weeks, but will be working on some projects for the school/district. I am always available by email if you need anything.
Here is Parker's first full blog entry as well as a note from Ms. Figdor regarding 2nd grade math.
This week in Math, first graders continued their exploration of three-dimensional shapes, learning to identify and compare attributes between each. On Tuesday, we explored the concepts of rotational symmetry by creating “mini-quilts” out of 3x3 inch paper squares. Students explored various combinations of patches to make different quilt patterns, based on their symmetry. On Wednesday and Thursday, first-graders were introduced to the concept of fractions, looking at various ways to make halves and quarters. Much discussion followed about the properties of each of these fractions: how we determine their size, and how different sized fractions compare to each other. We also started working on problems which asked us how to share items equally among a group of people: how do you split 3 pizzas equally between two people? What would the slices look like? What is the name of those fractions?

In Writing this week, students started the first lesson of our unit on informational writing. At this time of the year, students are focusing on teaching their readers about things they are experts on. Students started many excellent informational books, including some on all different types of snake venom, snow forts, how to care for chickens, and how to make clay pots in pottery. We have lots of experts in the room. Our first lesson was on Monday, using our “teaching voice”, switching from our “storytelling voice”. On Tuesday, we focused on adding details to the facts we know about our chosen topic. Next week, we will focus on turning these informational picture books into chapter books with tables of contents!
Ms Figdor writes: It has been another busy week in second grade math. We wrapped up unit 5 with an end of unit assessment. On this assessment the second graders demonstrated amazing flexibility with numbers. In addition, they displayed a solid understanding of place value up to 1,000 and are using multiple efficient strategies to add three-digit numbers together. Research finds that in order to develop a strong number sense, fluency with numbers, and strong conceptual understanding students must move through a progression of strategies when adding and subtracting numbers.Throughout the year we will continue to develop efficient strategies for both addition and subtraction. Next, we will start a unit on geometry and fractions.
Kids should remember to bring their boots and jackets: we will be wearing jackets on any day it's below 40, and we are certainly not through mud season.
Reminder about the WES Climate Survey. Waitsfield School is hoping to hear from all families! The link can be accessed here: