I hope everyone had a good weekend and found a way to stay warm but still enjoy the outdoors. Last week we continued working on identifying character traits in stories and then writing letters that used evidence from the books we used to support the identified traits. We will continue these this week and spend some time on Tuesday/Wednesday editing them.
In science, we continued looking at sound vibrations and conducted an experiment that got the students a bit excited. They were proposed with he question, could we make salt dance? They each wrote their own hypothesis and then we set out to test them. The kids got to see what happens to a plate of salt when a song like Pump Up the Jam is played (next to it). The kids thought this was hilarious. We then looked at what happened when loud base noises were played compared to lower ones and what they noticed.
It was nice for the kids to get back on the mountain this past Wednesday. The kids all seem to have a great time and enjoyed the opportunity to be outside and with their friends. I was on bus duty on Wednesday and was so impressed with the attitudes and the behavior on the bus. I mentioned to Kaiya how impressed I was. It looks like we will get another chance this week.
VALENTINES: Valentine's Day falls on a Friday this year. We will pass out Valentines at 2:00 that day. Your child is welcome to bring in Valentines for the class but it is not required. Here is a list of the names of the members of our class:
Olen, Jayden, Hewitt, River, Paxton, Emma, Hazel, Elowyn, Ava, Annabelle, Amelie, Luke, Nora, Edie, Landen, and Finne
*Please make sure your child has sneakers for our PE days on Thursdays and Fridays.
*We will have the winter program on Wednesday. Please make sure your child has all of the appropriate gear. Also, please make sure your child brings their homework bag back on Wednesday (especially if they don;t bring their regular back pack to school on ski days).
I hope you all have a great week.
Mr. Young