April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014

Good Morning,

  I hope everyone had a wonderful week away from school and found some exciting things to do.
I spent the week teaching in the Lawrence, MA. school district.  It was an amazing experience and the students were a pleasure ego work with.

  The April break usually serves as a sign of a change in weather and the idea that school is almost over,.  However, we still have about 37 more days of school or about 20% of the year.  I talked to the students today about this and the need to stay focused and continue to produce our best as we progress through the month of May and into June.  May will prove to be an extremely busy month (in the classroom) and I need everyone ready to go each and every morning.

*There is an all school assembly on Thursday morning.  Kaiya will be presenting about our Focus on appropriate playground expectations.  Apparently there is a lot of great modeling (by students) that she has captured.

*We will have a bus evacuation drill on Friday morning at 8:15.

I hope you have a great week!
