April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

Good Morning,

I hope you had a great weekend.  It was nice to be outside in the sun (yesterday).  We sent the day sugaring with some friends and it served as a great reminder of what a beautiful place this state is!

I apologize for not posting the video to the blog on Friday.  I shared it with the students during meeting but had to leave school at 1:45 on Friday and forgot to post.

Here it is:

Notes For the Week:

1.  There is an Early Release Day on Wednesday.  The students will eat lunch at 11:10 and be released at 11:50.

2.  Mr Van Dine's Class will be hosting an assembly on Thursday.  His class will be reading poetry.

3.  PLEASE make sure your child has boots and a change of shoes during mud season.

A Note About Tardies:  The school has asked all of us to work on students arriving at school, on time.    We are now being asked to mark kids Tardy and to be thorough with this process.  Please remember that your child needs to be to school by 7:40.   I talked with the students about this today and wanted to give you a heads up as well.
