I hope you have all had a great week. The first winter sports day went off with great success. It was a beautiful, sunny day and the kids all spoke of great fun on the mountain. I appreciate all that you did to have your child prepared for the afternoon on the mountain.
This week we continued our focus on narrative writing and looked at the elements of setting, characters, problem, solution, events, and wrap up. The students were asked to identify these parts in the story Good Dog Carl. We will continue our narrative focus on Tuesday.
The first graders have spent the week collecting and analyzing data in math. They also created their own surveys and collected results. Today they took the end of unit test and all did all with it. What was impressive is I condensed 12 lessons into 4 lessons and the students walked away with the knowledge they needed. It was a great job on their part. The second graders worked on graphing information, interpreting graphs, and subtraction.
*No School on Monday
*Winter Sports Program on Wednesday
*The VSO will be visiting on Thursday at 1:00. Ah! Cappella (vocal quartet)
Using nothing but the instruments they were born with, the four singers in “Ah! Cappella” have wowed schoolchildren across the state with a varied and amusing program since their debut in 1999. All four are teachers as well as musicians, and expert at presenting a program that delights as it instructs. They perform a wide selection of music, from an early madrigal and part of a mass to an African-American spiritual.
I hope you have a great weekend.