We have had a great 1st week back. We have briefly reviewed and talked about classroom and school expectations. I am focusing on leadership and students being leaders through good choices. As we enter the 2nd half of the school year, I am going to challenge the kids to think about their choices and how to set good examples. This week, I have filmed the kids during various points of the day. I usually film them for about 30 seconds and then we watch (i.e. cleaning the tables int he cafeteria). The kids then comment about themselves and the choices they made. This is a great way to self reflect.
In writing, we have started our focus on narratives. We read the books Swimmy and Hiccups for Elephant. Using these books, we talked about the parts of a narrative (beginning, middle, and end) and how there is a problem and solution. We also looked at the descriptive words that the author used to allow the reader to paint pictures in their mind (as they read).
In math, the 1st graders have been working with the concepts of surveys and attributes/rules. they have been doing quick surveys and learning how to record data and interpret it. They have also been sorting collections by a rule and then having the partner try to figure out the attribute/rule that applies to the sort. The second graders have also been working with attributes. They have been using pattern blocks and sorting the shapes by given rules. The students have been making attribute trains to practice this concept.
Yesterday, we started our social studies unit on monuments. I have been working with Mr. Mongeon on developing a unit that incorporated the teaching of monuments with a variety of technology concepts and software. Yesterday, we used Google Earth to explore the 8 monuments that we will be learning about.
In science, we have started our magnet unit. The students had a chance to explore magnetic slime and a paperclip that appeared to be suspended in air. Through the exploration, they started to learn and think about the concepts that we will go in more detail about throughout the unit.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
*Students have reading homework and their Weekly News in their backpacks.