Good Afternoon,

We spent most of this week wrapping up a variety of assignments that kids have been working on. The students completed their study of animal adaptations and hopefully you all saw the shoe that your child brought home on Thursday. Take time to ask them about the features they created and why they added them to the shoe. Our next unit of study will have a technology focus and the concept of coding will be evident throughout. Here is a brief synopsis: "Students explore the sequential nature of computer programs through hands-on activities, both with and without a computer. They examine key aspects of storytelling and devise how to transition a narrative from page to screen. Students discover the design problem through a story about Angelina, Mylo, and Suzi, who wish they could find a way to create a story with characters who move and interact with each other. Combining fundamental principles of computer science with story-building skills, students develop animations that showcase characters, settings, actions, and events from short stories of their own creation."

Have you ever heard of a move called a Jane Yolen? This week the use of Jane Yolens was abound int he students writing. We continued our focus on narratives and looked at how the author, Jane Yolen, used writing moves in her story
Owl Moon. Jane does a wonderful job of hitting the reader's senses, using comparisons, and allowing the reader to crete vivid pictures in their mind. We described these moves as Jane Yolens and the class has taken off with them.
Next week is a two day week. We will change our schedule a bit. Monday will have a typical start but after math class we will have a science lesson. The same will go for Tuesday. Monday afternoons will be focused on a writing lesson. Tuesday afternoon will be a school wide celebration of obtaining our PBIS school wide goal. Tuesday will also be our Thanksgiving feast.
*Your child has weekend reading and their Weekly News journal in their backpacks.
*The week after vacation will be Ms. Jane's solo teaching week (Monday-Thursday). I will be in the building and using the time to conduct assessments with each child. I know Jane will do a great job with the week.
That is all for now. I hope you have a great week.