November 4, 2016

November 4, 2016

Today the class walked to the Waitsfield Municipal  Building to cast their vote for Vermont's next governor.  Jen, the town clerk, chatted with the kids about how the voting would work, had them each fill out a ballot, and then showed them how to tally the votes.  Before they could vote, the student had to state their full name to properly id themselves and to have their name checked off the list.  When all of the votes were tallied up, we ended up with a 7-7 tie.  I found this amazing being that this is the projection of the race itself  We will conclude this part of the civics study by talking with voters next week.  Stay Tuned!

I hope you found our conference time useful and productive.  This was the first time that they weren't tied to a report card but rather connected to goal setting.  I would love to hear your feedback on the process.  Feel free to send suggestions, ideas, and/or thoughts via email. 

*Winter Sports Forms were due today.   I hope everyone got theirs in.

*Weekly News Journals are in your child's homework bag along with a book of choice.

That is all for now.  I hope you have a great weekend.  I am excited to watch my daughter and her team compete for a State Championship on Saturday.  
