Good Afternoon,
Students hiking MRG just because they can. |
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. My oldest daughter turned 18 over the weekend and I found myself in and out of reflection about her 18 years with us and amazed by how fast it all went by. I am sorry I did not post on Friday. I had to be away from school on Friday to take care of a family thing and was bummed to miss the hike.

Today the students presented their hopes and dreams to the whole group. We used these goals to establish an initial list of rules each student might need to allow them to accomplish these goals. We will continue to work on this list and develop norms for our class as the week progresses. Before starting this conversation, I led the glass through a discussion about positive language and stating what behaviors we want rather than the behaviors we don't want. The use of positive language will be a focus for the class as we progress throughout the year.
First grade math continues to investigate games that work with developing an understanding of complements of 10. We are also looking at why the numbers 11-19 are written with a one in the front. I am using a lot of visuals to guide them in this concept.
Students engaging with Katie during guidance |
Wednesday marks the date of this year's Open House at the Waitsfield Elementary School. The start time will be at 5:30 and run until 6:30. Please be mindful of the starting and stopping times and take that into consideration as you plan our evening of exploration. The kids will be your tour guides and show you the things that are important to them. They will have a checklist for my classroom and please make sure you ask them to explain some of the items to you. I look forward to seeing all of you at the open house.
*On Tuesday, September 17, your child will bring home a lunch and snack form for our field trip on September 25th. If your child needs a snack and/or lunch please fill this out and send it back on Wednesday, September 18th.
Greeting each other with fist bumps |
*On Thursday, I will be at a meeting at the Agency of Education for the duration of the day. I serve on a board, for the governor and agency of education, that meets once a month. Thursday is our September meeting date.

That is all for now. I hope you have a great week.