We have had a wonderful 5th week of school. The field trip to the apple orchard was a success and we all enjoyed a few fresh healthy apples throughout the day. The students were awesome on the trip and took great notes that they have been using to write about the correct way to pick an apple. I am using this as an introduction into procedural writing for the 1st graders and a review for the 2nd graders. We will do a formal procedural writing unit later in the year. I want to thank the chaperones that were able to attend. It is always a big help having a few extra hands when we are out of the building.
First grade math continued working on measuring items in the classroom. We have used popsicle sticks, cubes, and our own feet to measure different items. The discussion has been around why it takes different amounts of each item to measure the same object. We have been using the words most, least, greater than, less than, and equal to describe the weekly coin counts that we collected during the month of September.
I am finishing up assessments and and will start formal reading and spelling groups on October 8th. I will be looking for parent volunteers that are interested in coming in during the day. Look for a sign up sheet next week.
That is all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend.