October 10, 2024

October 10, 2024

I hope you all enjoyed the Open House and enjoyed the tour by your child. As you can see, they are all really excited about what they are doing in the classroom.  Thank you all for taking the time to share the evening with your child.

This week we started a project called the Global Read A Loud. The project was created in 2010 with a simple goal in mind; one book to connect the world. From its humble beginnings, the GRA has grown to make a truly global connection with millions of students having participated.  The thought is global collaboration is necessary to show students that they are part of something bigger than them. That the world needs to be protected and that we need to care for all people. 

We kicked off this year's event by reading Let Me Finish, by Minh Li. This book is about how the simple act of finding a quiet place to finish a book can unexpectedly turn into a daunting quest. Desperate for solitude, the boy in this story is continually interrupted by characters who just can't resist sharing their love for the same book he's reading. After reading the book, the kids each made a pair of special reading glasses (hence the pip cleaner creations) to use in their special reading spot (at home). The kids each created their own illustration of them in this spot.  They used three different means to create these small posters and they will be completed and hung up next week. If you would like to have the story read to you and your child, click here.  Eric and I will continue with the Global Read A Loud over the next few weeks.  Each week will present a new book and a project to reinforce the message from the story.

We also started our final coding project on Wednesday. The students are demonstrating mastery of the concepts by creating a task that incorporates the skills they were taught.  They each have a checklist that Willa also be used to give them a score for the report card.  We should have these done by next week.  Our next science unit will focus on the Sun, Moon, and Stars. 

*As a reminder, we will not have school tomorrow or Monday. 

*As the weather changes kids will start wearing coats, hats, mittens, etc., please save yourself some money and frustration and put your child's name in everything. I do check the cubbies each day (to make sure they are empty) but kids leave things in all areas of the school.

*I hope everyone (that could attend) had a great time with the Fairy House building. I have included some pictures below from the event.

*If you haven't signed up to help with the ski and skate sale, please use this link to do so. I am hoping my classroom has the highest percentage of volunteers. 

That is all for now.  I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mr. Young