October 4, 2024

October 4, 2024

Happy Friday Folks! I hope you have all had a great week. We have had a great week and the kids have very busy with a multitude of projects. This month in first grade math, the students will focus on story problems with in ten.  They will work on solving some given ones and also creating their own from a number bond (what use to be a fact family). We are working on quickly seeing an arrangement of beads and then using the structure of a ten frame to figure out the total.  The kids only get to see the beads for three seconds. We will also start focusing on complements of 10 and working towards fluency with those. Those who already have it will move onto complements of 20. 

This week's read-a-louds focused on Handling decisions when you are frustrated or you have impulses. Two of the books were What Were You Thinking by Bryan Smith and The Boy with Big, Big Feelings by Jacob Souva. Click the links to check out what happened in these books.

In writing we continued to focus on writing a paragraph response to a writing prompt.  Next week we will do three more prompts and then start our unit focusing on personal narratives. Kids that are demonstrating proficient handwriting have now moved on to keyboarding.  There are some kids that are still working on handwriting and that will continue. If a kid that has moved on doesn't continue to demonstrate neat handwriting in their work will be asked to go back to practice those skills. This is how I hold each kid accountable to do their best.  

Science has us working on creating a short story using the coding program Scratch. The kids filled out a story map to identify the beginning, middle, and end.  They then used their story map to create the story in Scratch. 

We ended today by walking our with our 5th & 6th graders to the park across from the VG. This was part of a school wide reward (earned through tickets) and they all got an ice cream or a popsicle.  It was a great way to end the week.


*The Fairy House building will be this Wednesday from 2:30-4:00. There is no fee, it is something that many in the class asked to do and I am happy to provide the opportunity. As of Friday morning, the following students are signed up:

Wiley McCoy
Ava Andrews
Luke Jordan
Sloane Fleckenstein
Hewitt Riegler
Nora Goodman
River Foxx
Emma Oppenheimer

If your child would like to do this, please click this link to do so.  I will provide an after school snack for them.
*Next Tuesday is Open House and it will go from 5:30-6:30. Open House is a very exciting time for your child because there is so much they want to show you about their classroom and their school. They will create a checklist of things they want to show you and they will be your tour guide. After visiting the room, make sure you find their specials teachers and stop in and say hello. 
I just completed a video training (that the state mandates) about confidentiality and the dos and don'ts of public conversations. Apparently I can get fired for speaking about your child in front of others. I like my job and don't want that to happen. So I will love to chat with each of you but can't respond to specific academic questions. We will use parent conference time for that or schedule a 1:1 meeting if needed. 

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mr. Young