Good Afternoon,

Today Mr. Mongeon joined us and read the story The Adventures of Beekle The Unimaginary Friend by Dan Santat. "This magical story begins on an island far away where an imaginary friend is born. He patiently waits his turn to be chosen by a real child, but when he is overlooked time and again, he sets off on an incredible journey to the bustling city, where he finally meets his perfect match and-at long last-is given his special name: Beekle." Mr. Mongeon then showed him a picture of an imaginary friend he created and challenged them to come up with one of their own. Here are the ones that were turned in.
Today's Recording:
Morning Meeting 5/20/20 (Forgot to hit record today).
Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting @9:00
Writing Instruction @ 10:00
That is all for now. Have a great day!
Mr. Young