Good Morning,

Today is Wednesday and Wednesdays are typically our library days. Mr. Mongeon will join us each Wednesday, for morning meeting, and will be the guest reader for our daily read-a-loud. This morning, Eric read the story Peck, Peck, Peck by Lucy Cousins. In this story, Little woodpecker has just learned to peck. Yippee! He’s having so much fun that he peck-peck-pecks right through a door and has a go at everything on the other side, from the hat to the mat, the racket to the jacket, the teddy bear to a book called Jane Eyre. Children will be drawn to the young bird’s exuberance at learning a new skill — and ready to snuggle along at day’s end for a night of sweet dreams. After the story was finished, the students were challenged to draw a picture of something at home that they think the bird might peck. Below are some things that the kids came up with.
Today's Recording:
Morning Meeting 5/6/20
Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting @9:00
Live Writing Instruction @10:00

That is all for now. I hope you all have a great day.