I hope you all had a great weekend. I spent most of it outside as my daughter and I continue to build our outdoor campfire furniture. The students all talked about their weekends and it sounds like there was a lot of fun all around.
Today's read-a-loud was If You Take A Mouse To School by Laura Numeroff. This is about a mouse and a young boy. They are friends. The boy is going to bring the mouse to school, but the mouse has a lot of requests. Once he asks for one thing, he will need something to go a long with it. There are a series of chain events that take place. If you take a mouse to school, he'll ask for your lunchbox. When you give him your lunchbox, he'll want a sandwich and so on. I then asked the students to think about the one thing they would like to do if they could come back to school for a day. They each drew a picture of the one thing they would like to do. Here are some of the ideas:

Down below are also two pictures from last Friday's pointillism project. I wanted to make sure these were published too.
Today's Recording:
Morning Meeting 5/4/20
Tomorrow's Schedule:
Morning Meeting @9:00
Writing Lesson @10:00

Mr. Young