September 11, 2012

September 12, 2012

Good Morning,

Yesterday we continued our inquiry of how to "write" like a scientist.  We headed back out to the garden and teamed up to use hand lenses as we took a closer look at the sunflowers.  The students were again asked to document their findings.  We will share our results as a group on Friday.

I sent the first book order forms home yesterday.  If you would like to order any books, please return the form by 9/21/12.  If you pay by check, please make the check out to Scholastic Book Clubs.  I will send out another batch of forms at the end of October and November.

I have been very excited, pleased, thrilled (do you get the point) by the class so far.  They are a very caring group, and one that is truly fun to work with.  I am excited for what lies ahead.

*Field trip money is due by this Friday.
*Please return the yellow volunteer forms.
*Gym days are Monday and Wednesday.  Please wear sneakers on these days.

I hope you have a great day.
