September 9, 2013

Monday, September 8th

Good Morning,
  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Today we introduced our Writer's workshop routine.  This is something that we will have three times a week and each child will have opportunities during the Daily 5 (Reader's Workshop) to work on their writing as well.  We started by gathering on the carpet and talked about writing.  I wanted them to understand that each lesson will start with a mini lesson on writing, that will be led by me.  Then they will be able to go and write.  I quickly modeled what writing will look like (the actual process of writing), and we talked about sketching our story first and then using the sketch to help with words.  Each child made a list of things that he/she could write about, and then they got to work.  We also continued working on our Read to Self stamina and the students each went shopping for two more books for their Read to Self book bins.  It was great seeing students using the IPICK method to make sure that the book was a good fit.  Today's specials were Music and PE.

*Please send back you child's Weekly News Journal.
*We have our First All School Assembly on Thursday.

Have a great week!
