Good Morning,
I hope you had a great weekend. I found myself staring at the many colors that are now starting to appear on the mountainsides. What a beautiful place we live in! Today, we continued to work on the three Daily 5 routines that have been introduced. We will aim to start our normal reading group schedule next week.
This year, one of our Social Studies themes is People Making A Difference. I will be inviting people in to talk to the class about how they make a difference. Our first guest will be visiting on Tuesday. He is Armando Vilaseca, the Secretary of Education for the State of Vermont. He is someone I traveled with last summer and am excited that he can visit our classroom. After his presentation, the students will learn how to do a write up about the presentation. This is the model that I will be using throughout the year. Mr. Mongeon (our librarian) has also agreed to read about (throughout the year) some famous Americans that have made a difference. It will be a nice way to integrate our curriculum into other areas of learning.
*There will be a substitute in my room on Thursday and Friday. I will be in and out of the classroom those two days. I have to do one to one math testing with each 1st grade child. This is a district wide assessment that gives me great information about your child's number and operation skills and allows me to differentiate both their classroom instruction and homework.
*Book Orders are due tomorrow.
*Please, please make sure to send your child's homework bag back each day and Weekly News Journals on Monday's. I don't usually send the homework bags home over the weekend.
*Math Homework will start next week (for 1st Grade).
Have a great week.