Yesterday, we created our science notebooks. I led a discussion about how scientist use the skill of observation to record what they learn and/or notice. The students broke up into teams and spent 10 minutes observing apples. Their goal was to record what they saw. We then gathered back, as a class, and shared the different strategies used to record observations. I created a poster (for future reference) of the different techniques used. I then gave the students each a hand lens and allowed them to add to their observations. There was a lot of excitement for science and one girl even said, "I have never done science before, it was awesome!"
*Assembly at 7:45 tomorrow.
*Please make sure your child wears some kind of jacket or sweatshirt to school. THe playground temperature has been a little cool for some.
*I forgot to send home the book orders on Monday. I will send them today. They will be due next Tuesday, September 24th.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful day.